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Aaargh! Re: [OT] Update JohnA

From: Glenn M Wilson <warbeads@j...>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 20:05:09 PDT
Subject: Aaargh! Re: [OT] Update JohnA

On Wed, 14 May 2003 21:38:50 -0500 Jared Hilal <>
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>Been lurking here for a while.
>Actually, the 101st is Air Assault.  

Aaaargh!  I knew that.!  Smack, smack, smack.

The rest of your description is 
>correct (heliborne, etc.).  Airmobile means that it's equipment is 
>(often) moved by air, which includes flying into an airfield by 
>transport plane, but may not include jumping out.

Jeez, how did I screw that up?	

At least I didn't use the old term for early WW2 German troops that
land on captured airfields (Air Landing IIRC...)  In those big Ju-352's
(is that number right?) again IIRC.  Flying into an enemy airfiled the
parachute guys had just captured in a air version of a LST (Beth, in
this one is not on your list - Landing Ship Tank aka Large Slow Target.) 

Yeah, that sounds like "fun" to me.  Better have faith those flyboys in
those shiney Me-109's are watching out for you.  Jon A would have
something to say about the US Air Farce at this point...

Jay, thanks for the correction.

I am so glad nobody else from work is on this list.  I'd have to be sick
for a week to avoid the laughter in the halls.

R.I.P. and

6 mm miniatures rule!  Well, anyway in my mind they do!

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