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Re: Mechwarrior Dropship

From: John Sowerby <sowerbyj@f...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:51:04 -0500
Subject: Re: Mechwarrior Dropship

Ok, Here's the new skinny on this. There will be a limited number for
at certain cons this year at $100. If you are a Wizkids volunteer,
run stuff at the cons you can put your name down for ONE and ONE ONLY. 
Others will be sold. I know Origins and Gen Con are on the lists.

Makes me happy I'll be among the exhibitors at both of those... :-)

John S.

At 09:23 PM 3/17/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>As promised, I tracked down one of the limited Wizkids Mechwarrior 
>Dropships at GAMA, and managed
>to snap a few pictures. Check it out at 
>Remember, this item is not availabvle for sale, only as a retailer
>Sucks to be a player not
>a store, eh?

John Sowerby, MythIntentions LLC, Development team. Creators of DON:CCE, Lemuris: Twilight of Man.

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