Re: [OT] Re: Machine Guns (was Power Armour Weapons)
From: "Imre A. Szabo" <ias@s...>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 07:08:27 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] Re: Machine Guns (was Power Armour Weapons)
> The M-60 problem was due to cook-offs (firing due to heat).
Somehow, I really doubt that the M60 was cooking off with the bullet no
where near the chamber. The temprature required to cook off a round in
fraction of a second that it is in the chamber before primer ingnition
have to be hot enough to melt steel.
The probably result of the run away firing is that the gas piston was
getting enough pressure to fully cycle the weapon. This means although
enough energy was being transmitted to eject and ready the next round,
there was not enough to push the bolt carrier a few hundereths of an
farther back to engage the sear the prevents run away.