My initial thoughts in general Re: totally untested SG 2 idea for comment
From: glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2003 17:53:25 PST
Subject: My initial thoughts in general Re: totally untested SG 2 idea for comment
On Sun, 02 Mar 2003 14:22:00 PST glenn m wilson <>
>Yes, I am still looking at 'Mi-i-i-i-c-e In Spa-a-a-a-c-e!" ideas.
>Would it reasonable (or not) in your corporate opinions to adjust the
>following for the smaller figures?
>Movement (and terrain) effects
No, COW effect.
>Cover and Concealment
>Hidden units
Drop 1 die perhaps? Never drops below D4?
>Personal armor
>Heavy Weapons systems
How small does a heavy weapon have to be to no longer be a heavy
I have no strong idea...
>Target Size (how do get smaller than class 1 and should you?)
Yes but increasing a range band seems too strong.
>Firepower and Impact
Highly ambivalent (but probably no for the former and maybe a decrease
the latter) for these two.
>Close Assault
Yes probably should drop (unless significantly more figures) but how
much? Down 1 die? 1-3 dead, 4-5 wounded, 6 stunned?
>Artillery Fire
Haven't thought much on this until just a few minutes ago. Probably
Muchas gracias,
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