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Re: Soap bubbles?

From: "Mike Hillsgrove" <mikeah@c...>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 20:04:02 -0500
Subject: Re: Soap bubbles?

Not really.  The attendent benefit includes survivability. It does force
to build a ship that a sane individual would be willing to serve in.   A
soap bubble is really a cheat, a way to build a killer force that no
responsible military could ever sanction.  Looking at it from the
perspective of "my sons and daughters  have to serve on that ship".
if our warships had cardboard walls and were held together by duct tape.
Why use steel when wax paper or doped canvass will do?

Soldiers are kinda funny about suicide missions. Far less liketly to
volunteer than we are to volunteer them.

> Perhaps...  But you inadvertantly just increased the cost of
> Without changing the cost of a swarm by equatable means.  (By 4+
> fighter bay)

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