RE: Large mass adjustments, was Re: [FT] F***ters
From: "Brian Bell" <bbell1@i...>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 08:00:13 -0500
Subject: RE: Large mass adjustments, was Re: [FT] F***ters
How about dividing the number of systems into the number of hull boxes.
Mark the hull boxes in a similar way to the way DCPs are marked. Then,
as damage reaches the marked box, roll to see if a single system is
damaged. If one is, roll randomly to determine which system is damaged.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: (fwd) Re: [FT] F***ters [was: Operational game]
What I would much prefer would be some form of system where any given
you put on a ship has a certain chance to take down a system as
damage, and find a way to make the probability about the same across any
size of ship. The trick would be to find the exact probability of a
loss that would allow a larger ship with more systems to lose those
at the same proportion as a smaller ship with fewer systems, without
complicating either the ship design process or the damage assessment
of the game.
If that could be done, though, that would be a far superior solution to
sort of exponential coefficient on hull mass values.
(aka Stilt Man)