Re: My Life Story, Philosophy of Design, Colonization Patterns, and other trivia, was Re: DS: Walkers
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2003 11:11:53 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: My Life Story, Philosophy of Design, Colonization Patterns, and other trivia, was Re: DS: Walkers
--- Brian Bilderback <>
> > Maybe--although I still like Grav.
> I love grav. And given certain backgrounds, with
> varying abilities for grav, I like it even more. A
> lot of it depends on certain assumptions you make
> about what and where a grav vehicle can and can't
> do/go. We don't yet know IRL which assumptions are
> correct, so we have to take one set, accept them,
> and
> apply them to the game. which set is personal
> taste,
> and will affect how you view grav.
IMU, Grav is capable of flying high in travel mode,
but you fight on the deck because up high is
scary--people can see you and you ain't aerodynamic
enough to flitter around at high speeds like the VTOL
> > Unless. . . My perception of GZGverse
> Ah, see, there's where our ability to address each
> other's points of view is going to deteriorate. I
> don't play in the GZGverse, at least not in the
> tuffleyverse, and a lot of things are different,
> politically as well as technologically, which make
> certain strategic axioms non-interchangeable (though
> tactics remain the same or similar).
Verra much true. And my universe is a direct
reflection of the types of games I like to play. . .
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