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RE: scenario ideas [Forwarded with concern] for discussion (but n ot on Abortion...)

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 01:30:08 +1100
Subject: RE: scenario ideas [Forwarded with concern] for discussion (but n ot on Abortion...)


>Pretty marginal events, actually. In the Cold
>War era there was some action about a few
>Himalaya mountain valleys. 

That's underrating it a bit isn't it? It was a border war, but from the
accounts I've read it only stayed that way because China had finished
proving its point and withdrew. The Indian army was humiliated,
and unable to win (much of the Indian 4th Division dissolving even
reaching battle). 

To my mind exactly that kind of thing could happen again, expansionist
China/Eurasian Union steps on land India considers its, Indian
underestimate China, the Indian army is caught off guard/under prepared
by a
chinese advance (may be due to concerns on their western borders) and
Chinese roll in. Though I do agree with your other point that an attack
through Afghanistan is probably more likely based on historical

>Over all of history, there were very few incursoins
>of similar scope and nothing that could be called a
>serious invasion even of the North of India.

The reference I mentioned to you when I was doing that ancients Chinese
stuff suggested that the Chinese had encroached enough around the edges
have sway in Indian courts. They may not have occupied to the southern
coasts, but there has been some tussles in the past, which is what leads
to think its not too inconcievable. If the Chinese could knock off
Moscow so
quickly, India shouldn't face them with too much of a problem. Though I
guess an arms race with Pakistan could see the relative strengths of
and India vary radically over the next century.



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