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RE: scenario ideas [Forwarded with concern] for discussion (but n ot on Abortion...)

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 06:19:11 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: scenario ideas [Forwarded with concern] for discussion (but n ot on Abortion...)

--- wrote:

> I tend to go tromping where angels fear to tread,
> but historically speaking
> China has rolled into India (or the north of it) a
> fair few times. Given
> that by the time they have a crack at India they
> control Russia, central
> Asia and quote possibly parts of southeast Asia
> India just looks the next
> "sensible" step. This would be especially true if
> India's population had
> overwhelmed its economy and/or their had been
> hostilities with Pakistan that
> had further weakened them. 

Most especially if that conflict went into a 'limited
nuclear' phase.  Take out a half-dozen of India's
largest cities and occupying them looks a lot more


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