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Forwarded from [Starguard] Beast Masters

From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 14:35:53 PST
Subject: Forwarded from [Starguard] Beast Masters

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From: "triphibious <>" <>
Subject: [Starguard] Beast Masters
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 18:53:46 -0000
Message-ID: <>

Having just re-read Lord of Thunder and read (first time) Beast 
Master's Ark, I am ready to introduce a scenario to my war games 
oriented friends involving such a force. I am debating between 
Starguard, Stargrunt or A. Mark Ratner's old Space Marines rules but 
it's the figures that I need the most guidance on from others,

I can do this in either 15 mm (MY only 15 mm figures are SF) or 25 mm 
(almost the only 25 mm figures I have any more) instead of my beloved 
6 mm because this would clearly be a fire team or squad oriented 

Several questions:

1) What figures (animals and ultra light infantry figures for a Beast 
Master team leader) exist in 15 or 25 mm scales?

2) What animals besides the ones mentioned in the books are 
possibilities? (Books, IIRC, mention felines, wolves, eagles, 
paraowls, coyotes, meercats but by implication these probably weren't 
only animals utilized) And who makes them?

3) Are there any web sites that have addressed these issues so I don't 
have to re-invent the wheel?

4) The books (Andre Norton) show Amerindians as Beast Masters but 
obviously other nations (Maoris for example) would have enough 
background fluff to make candidates for 'Beast Master' potential 
candidates. Any other suggestions for identifiable groups (ethnic or 
otherwise) that would be useful and any source have identifiable 
figures of that group desired. The heroine's mother (She is
Cheyenne-Irish) was probably a "sensitive" so the implication is that 
other groups  might have had the empathy/genes to be able to connect 
to enhanced non-humans so I guess I am looking for groups with 
historically identifiabley close ties to the non-technical part of the 
world and traditions of (for lack of a better word) 'totems' relating 
to animals. Is that clear enough?

			      Gracias, Glenn 

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