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Alan's Satellite Facts

From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 21:42:17 -0500
Subject: Alan's Satellite Facts

Killer Electrons? Sounds like the name of a Punk 

Thought I totally agree with you about how 
tough stuff will *have* to be to not make space 
travel a crapshoot or a deathwish, this also tells 
me that the weapons of the day (in order to 
disable or destroy this level of system 
redundancy and capability) will have to be fairly 
potent. They will have to be able to at least 
partially overcome this superlative recovery 


PS - Triple redundancy is good, if implemented 
correctly. I recall hearing about redundant 
hydraulic control lines on some planes where all 
three sets route through the same area of the 
plane at one point (and guess what happens 
when that area of the plane is damaged?). 
Good to see someone that understands 
distributed systems and the dangers of 
homogeneity (one method of doing things used 
all over becomes a real nasty situation if that 
one method has a flaw.... reference: MS IE, MS 
OSs, etc). 

Mr. Thomas Barclay
Software Developer & Systems Analyst

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