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Re: Points balance on K-guns vs Beams

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 17:16:41 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Points balance on K-guns vs Beams

--- Tim Bancroft <> wrote:
> ><Oerjan>[I'm] quite interested in seeing these
> calculations, 
> >both on the K-guns and on the human beams. 
> Finding that KV were consistently outclassed at
> equal points, even with
> differing tactics, I was trying to balance out the
> KV vs human ships
> situation at the smaller ship scales (Cruiser and
> below). I'd also seen
> (laserlight's?) comments on a site on a 50% pts bias
> towards KV.

I've run and won fights against K'V with even points. 
Of course, that was with a force containing two P-torp
heavy designs in the capital ship class.  (Hi,
Laserlight!).  P-torps are a workable counter vs. K'V
weapons, as they are the only thing that can generate
_more_ damage per round (do the math!) than railguns.

Beam weapons are secondary weapons for anything bigger
than a light cruiser, anyway.  IMHO.

I feel that missles would be useful, but only en
masse.	That's a hypothesis, and an unproven one at


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