Re: [SG2] PBEM AAR - Valley of Death - Report - 5b of 5
From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 09:24:55 +0000
Subject: Re: [SG2] PBEM AAR - Valley of Death - Report - 5b of 5
On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 08:35:08PM -0500, Laserlight wrote:
>Overall IF reply:
>Had a great time, much kudos to Allan for GMing this!
> In addition, part of my plan was psychological--I wanted to Roger
>to keep seeing new units pop up in unexpected places, and be worried
>about how much I had left. That's the reason for leaving 12 hidden so
>long, for example. Then, at the appropriate moment--ie *before* Roger
>saw what a paper tiger was standing in front of him--I offered the
>cease fire and with a little prodding from a few timely successes on
>my attack rolls (and to my *great* relief), he accepted.
And it worked. That's where limited intel was good - had I had any idea
just how weak the IFed forces were, I'd have pushed on. I almost
certainly had the forces to win. But I'd taken heavy casualties and
didn't want to get wiped out... and had no idea how much more might be
hiding in the NW part of the map.