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Re: Roco minitanks

From: Tony Francis <tony@b...>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 13:32:01 +0100
Subject: Re: Roco minitanks

Johan Böjeryd wrote:

>Have anyone tried using Roco Minitanks with Jon's
>25's? I had a pair of old, I think they are howitzers,
>(they're pretty big) that I use as low tech (compared
>to whats out there) AT guns for my Merc Platoon...
>What I'm curious about is weather or not the tanks may
>be useful? I'm thinking something like light recce
>vehicles or so, they're way smaller then even the
>smallest GZG tank destroyer I have...
>I have an entire roco tank battallion somewhere in a
>box... That would save me alot of money on setting up
>a recce platoon when I get the rest of my infantry
>company from the October deal... :)
>If you've used them, what vehicles did you use? And
>any pictures? Please please please? :)
I converted a number of models from Minitanks a few years ago, but again

that was 15mm. As for pictures - I've been promising DonM some for a 
couple of weeks, so once the SELWG show is over at the weekend I will 
dig them out and set up the camera.


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