Re: [OT] Ex-colonies was: Liberals
From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (K.H.Ranitzsch)
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 07:48:58 +0200
Subject: Re: [OT] Ex-colonies was: Liberals
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don M" <>
> Don, the Hindus and Muslims weren't attacking each other with
> Churchill tanks. They were using swords, sticks and what rare
> firearms were at hand. The riots were large enough to be massively
> deadly based on sheer numbers.
I guess this is partly a matter of looking at an half-empty/half-full
In my opinion, India is a (qualified) success story. In spite of its
and religious diversity and the occasional flare-up of violence
Sikhs, Hindus/Muslims etc,), it has held together, is still a democracy
even has made economic progress. And many of the minor conflicts are
dealt with by political, not military means,
> Zimbabwe has slowly slid into a clusterfuck despite British good
> intentions.
> Well it hasn't worked since they had the name change.
I think 'slowly slid' is more accurate. After the fall of the white
government, it started well enough with a democratic constitution, a
parliamentary opposition, a working economy and a stab at balanced race
Karl Heinz