Re: [OT] Personal hoody-hoo
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 10:42:10 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] Personal hoody-hoo
--- Allan Goodall <> wrote:
> Or are you talking 1:1 as in military service? The
> conservatives being seen as
> pro-military is actually a fairly new phenomenon in
> the US. Historically both
> liberals and conservatives have been pro-military.
> Even the military spending
> increase that's associated with Regan began under
> Carter.
Well, what it really comes down to the in the United
States is regionalism.
New England Yankees (and the 'Greater New England'
linguistic area spreading through the Midwest and the
Left Coast') are historically anti-military and have,
along with Jews, provided the vast majority of the
anti-war and anti-military sentiment in the US.
Southern Cavaliers and the Highland South Scots-Irish,
along with the Catholics that came over tail end of
19th century/beginning of 20th, tend to be far more
violently inclined.
There's a lot of sound historical reasons for this,
but it's a bit complex for a SF gaming list, even
under and OT label.
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