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Re: [OT] Liberals was: Personal hoody-hoo

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 10:38:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] Liberals was: Personal hoody-hoo

--- Ryan M Gill <> wrote:

> >the other hand, unlike your classical libertarian,
> I
> >believe in the interstate highway system, air
> traffic
> >controllers, large and well-funded Armed Forces,
> and
> >an actively imperialistic foreign policy.  And the
> >income tax.
> I think it's more Jingoistic isn't it?

No, it's recognition of the reality of international
relations, accompanied by a fairly heavy reading of
the past 10,000 years of recorded history.  You will
not have "Peace in our Time" unless enforced by a
nation or group of nations with overwhelming military
power available to step on the idiots that the
cesspools of humanity breed.  Hegemony, if not

Although the air traffic controllers and highways seem
more common-sense than jingoism.


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