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Re: Turning Point

From: Jon Davis <davisje@n...>
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 20:15:36 -0400
Subject: Re: Turning Point

The Pink Phantom wrote:
> Has anyone noticed the new Turning Point/Fleet Action 2 rules from
> of Gaming?  The Turning Point universe allows you to "play one of the
> major powers of the Solar System"  (as on the Web site).  These powers
> the Union of North Atlantic Nations, European Union, Concordat of
> America Nations, China-India Pact, and Korea-Japan Conglomerate.  It's
> in the year 2200.  Eerie.  Anyone actually seen the rules?

Cool!  Thanks for the news.

It looks like the AoG folks have decided to start a new gaming universe
for generating new ships, rules, and creative separation from the B5
universe.  Some of the ship figures look nice, but I think that their
rules tend to be overly complex.


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