Population Modelling Program
From: kaladorn@m...
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 13:01:19 -0400
Subject: Population Modelling Program
At a guess, thought Beth didn't say so, I imagine she might be using
some of the stuff she uses for work at CSIRO. Since she does
population modelling by day (and by all standards has some rather
impressive skills), I imagine the software used is rather specialized
and probably proprietary. (IP and all that). That's just a guess. :)
I looked into doing this and Beth gave me enough pointers to realize
the scope of an accurate model (I wanted to model individual
planets/colonies/population spaces individually and model inflow and
outflow). (Or perhaps I should say precise model since it can't
really be accurate). This is no small feat. Her ballpark data is
probably good enough for most things and I'm sure she could run some
more sims with differing parameters if we'd like to give her some
ideas of what we're looking for. I myself would be interested to see
some max and min case projections just to see what the ranges are.
And one other thought relating to frequency spectrum usage of the
military: The Canadian Military REGULARLY tromps all over the
civilian bands with their frequency hopping gear and EW stuff (CRTC
guys working out of Kingston let us in on that secret). This is
typical. Illegal, but no one can really enforce it. And you can
generally call the base and say "are you guys up to something?" if
you're an inspector and they'll say "yeah, why?". If you explain what
you're getting, they'll often say "don't worry about it, the tests
will be done soon". And then it goes away.