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Re: [SG2] Cover Penetration Question for all you Armour Experts

From: "Imre A. Szabo" <ias@s...>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 18:18:04 -0400
Subject: Re: [SG2] Cover Penetration Question for all you Armour Experts

> Sure.
> They tried that.  You know what happened?  You were
> paying attention when the US drove two corps around
> their right flank, right?

Back then the Iraqi's didn't have GPS so couldn't navigate in the deep
desert.  That is no longer true.  Besides, last I heard, neither Kuwait
Saudi Arabia are interested in letting U.S. forces on their soil in the
go around...

> You're assuming that your enemy is stupid enough to
> attack them head-on.	Not a good plan unless your
> terrain is as restricted as South Korea.  And even
> then, such prior planning allows your enemy to get
> beautiful satellite imagery pinpointing down to a 10
> digit grid exactally where each one of your spiffy
> tanker graves are located.
> You loose, when attack aviation or artillery paste
> every one of your tanker graves at H-Hour.

Only if the tanks are really there when arty and air show up.  Decoys in
fixed forts are a great way to set-up anti-aircraft kill zones... 
gravel bombs make satelite recon useless for determining which positions
have tanks in them in real time, which means you are stuck shooting at
positions that might have a tank, or might be an anti-aircraft kill

> When was the last time someone drove tanks into
> marshes in the first place, much less planned a
> deliberate defense around armored formations in
> marshlands?

The Germans and Soviets drove tanks all over the Leningrad Oblast (ok,
Germans didn't because they never took Leningrad).  The Soviets
designed tanks with low ground pressure to be able to operate them in
year round.  Why?  Because for a couple of months a year, most of Russia
a marsh.

Besides, DS and SG have both grav vehicles and hover vehciles, so you
do have the abilty to fight in marshes.

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