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Re: Card initiative

From: Robert Crawford <crawford@k...>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 16:53:07 -0400
Subject: Re: Card initiative wrote:
> I think this is a fact of life with the majority of con games with
> of participants. Your choices are:
> A. Divide everyone into two armies and alternate sides having a
> go ala 40K.
> B. if you still want to alternate units you can appoint a leader for 
> each side who designates when units activate or
> C, use card initiative.

Interestingly, I've been in a couple of con games that did both B and C.

The "Fire as She Bears" rules use card initiative _and_ have an admiral 
on each side. When your side's card comes up, the admiral decides which 
commander moves his ships. I've played it as both captain and admiral, 
and didn't notice any problem with the game being slow or boring.

That could be the effect of the rest of the rules, however. FASB is not 

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