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Re: 2nd/3rd rate powers - Africans...

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 13:01:22 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: 2nd/3rd rate powers - Africans...

Adrian Johnson schrieb:
> Hi Folks,
> ok, I know I'm wading into a minefield here... but what
> the heck...
> >> someone please explain to
> >> dumbo here why the PAU have such a crap reputation?
> >
> >Because the only good quality professional militaries
> >to ever come out of that continent have been either
> >Rhodesian or South African before the end of apartied.

Other examples worth mentioning of fighting skill and courage are
various colonial campaigns or rebellions against colonial powers, e.g.
the Sudan campaign (Kiplings "Fuzzi Wuzzies"), the Dahomey and their
Amazons, the Herero rebellion in German SW Africa or the Maji-Maji
rebellion in German East Afrika.

As to professional troops, various colonial troops were held in quite
high regard, e.g.v.Lettow Vorbeck's Askari, the King's African Rifles
or French auxiliaries - even if these were led by Europeans.

It's just that after colonial times, there have been few African forces
that show evidence of being even comparable to average Western forces.
Certainly more a reflection of training, political and economic
circumstances rather than anything specifically 'African'.

To return to the GZG-verse, I don't think there is canon text that the
PAU ranks as a top-ranking power in economic, political or military
terms ? One of the also-rans at best ?


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