Re: Speaking of. . .
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 18:32:23 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Speaking of. . .
--- Roger Books <> wrote:
> Not unfair, just a static view of the world. If all
> your
> vehicles have superior fire control that means you
> are
> bleeding edge and some should have better than
> superior.
Ummm. . . limits of the rules.
> When the new thing comes along nobody can afford to
> scrap
> all the old and instantly replace the new. If all
> the
> force is Superior then it has been out for a
> considerable time
> and you should be starting on
> ultra-mines-better-than-
> yours.
Firecontrol upgrades are likely to be software
upgrades by this point. The physical mechanisms are
just going to be minor refinements.
> The other problem is the military is change
> resistant top
> to bottom. Would you want to be thrown into a
> combat
> situation with the brand new uber rifle that had
> never been
> combat tested? I personally wouldn't want to be the
> general
> sending my men out with the "works great in field
> trials"
> rifle.
Ummm. . . Gauss rifles are a proven technology by the
21-somethings (certaintly by 2183). Underbarrel
grenade launchers are also proven technology (going by
the fact that 2 of the four superpowers issue them as
standard). Combining them doesn't require a great
leap of logic.
Second, you damn well don't have to lecture a Roman
historian AND serving soldier on the inherent
conservatism of military institutions. Believe me,
the NRE probably spent at least 10 years making sure
the damn thing worked.
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