Prev: Re: Spoon Feeding WWII Genre to players was Next: [FT] Unofficial stats\design principles for new fleets?

Re: Speaking of. . .

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 09:14:12 -0400
Subject: Re: Speaking of. . .

From: Adrian Johnson
>Having said that, if you provided a Glossary or something with it, or a
really brief description of what the major bits are...


>Sure, no one is going to game with that stuff

Drat, I suppose that means I can't do the "Fedayeen attack on the
HQ" scenario I was thinking of.  I was just picturing NRE REMFs running
around trying to remember which end of the rifle to point; IF fedayeen
discovering their maps are wrong and trying to decide which are the
targets; NRE MPs trying to decide whether to show up piecemeal or wait
have some mass; and toss in a couple of IF death commandos just to spice
things up.
Fedayeen are at the site  and also at the TO page linked

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Prev: Re: Spoon Feeding WWII Genre to players was Next: [FT] Unofficial stats\design principles for new fleets?