Not Campaigns RE: GenCon Plans Anyone?
From: devans@u...
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 09:21:51 -0500
Subject: Not Campaigns RE: GenCon Plans Anyone?
Well, my first post-out-of-lurker status was to have been the topic so
and dear to my heart, campaigns.
However, I've got some major driving to do to pick up my goth daughter
the major driving to get to the Center-Formerly-Known-As-MECCA, so this
will have to be short and sweet. However, Schoon, I'll try to bring a
detailed version of the tantalizing map I sent you of my idea for a
planetary assault campaign.
I'll be there; as always, signed up for nothing
The_Beast (who will probably cause VIOLENT arguments when he DOES give
campaign design opinions, and then run like the whipped puppy he is...)