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Re: Sarcastic answers to Naming Names

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 20:20:34 -0400
Subject: Re: Sarcastic answers to Naming Names

> "Bringing the 10th century to a planet near you!"

16th Century, I think (After Hegira).  Right now I've got "The
Sultanate in 2190" but due to the AH dating, I'm not happy with that.

> "Like Hong Kong, but less organized."

The comparison with Ankh-Morpork just hit me this afternoon, actually.
But I invented the AE (not all the sovereignities, of course) around
1983, well before I heard of Discworld.

> "It would be a Great Power if it could just secure a
> stable oxygen supply. . . "

<grin> Lots of oxygen in that cometary ice...

> "Let's put it this way:  They tolerate Old Foul Ron."

You're thinking of Jack Old Ron, who does *not* have the equivalent of
Foul Old Ron's Smell.  Not that it matters, he's got his own asteroid.

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