RE: The GZGverse UN
From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 09:39:40 +1000
Subject: RE: The GZGverse UN
> You do realize there aren't many minor Earth states
> left, right? The Asians are all in the ESU, IC, or
> IFed. The Africans are all in the PAU or IFed. The
> Latin Americans are all NAC subjects. Who's left in
> the category of "minor" Earth states?? Monaco? Oh
> wait, that's probably in the FSE. We've got the
> Swiss. . . The Swiss. . . and the Swiss. Or are you
> counting the PAU, IC, OU, ScanFed, and IFed?
Canon there may not be mentioned, but as this is fiction take then
number of
active listers, add some, multiple by 3 and you may come close to the
of non-canon minor powers I doodle up waiting for my code to compile ;)
There's a lot of imaginative people out there so there's probably a
swag of minor nations. Whether they all support the UN or got "gobbled
its madness... muhahaha" is debatable but the potential is there ;)