Re: OT gas prices: (was: Re: Air Power was: REALITY CHECK TIME!
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 16:23:52 +0100
Subject: Re: OT gas prices: (was: Re: Air Power was: REALITY CHECK TIME!
>On Sat, 27 Jul 2002, John Atkinson wrote:
>> (Meanwhile, you Brits are pissed because you're doing
>> currency calculations in your head and realizing we
>> pay less per gallon than you do per liter. . . )
Long a sore point for us over here that like big engines...
It's why our cars tend to do more like 50 to the gallon than12....
But, don't forget that our gallons are 25% bigger than yours, John -
a change for something to be bigger over here than in the US!
>And not just the brits, either. Still they pay the same per litre of
>in pounds, as what I pay in euro's. Nice 50% extra ;)
....and as soon as LPG cars become more popular over here, and the
Government realises how much it's losing in revenue, they'll tax it
as much as petrol...... :-/
Jon (GZG)
> Derk