Re: [SG] more ww2
From: Flak Magnet <flakmagnet@t...>
Date: 15 Jul 2002 11:49:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [SG] more ww2
I am not a fan of very small full-auto weapons anyway. Too hard to
control with accuracy. UZI's are not what I'd choose as a personal
defense weapon.
But don't try to say that an UZI doesn't represent more firepower than a
revolver... which I believe would be a fair parallel of the assault
rifle vs. bolt-action comparison.
To go back to the specifics of UZIs not stopping assasins: (Ignoring
the fact that a less than sane, or martyrdom driven assasin is very hard
to prevent from succeeding for the moment.)
I don't like the selection of the 9mmNATO round as a "manstopper".
Actually, any FMJ or ball round that goes at supersonic speeds seems
like a bad idea to me. Anything going that fast that isn't designed to
"mushroom" or otherwise tranfer energy to the wound instead of carry it
out the other side of the target is a bad choice IMO. I'm presuming
that's what was fired in the UZI's carried boy our SecretService, right?
IIRC, UZIs are pretty hard during feeding on the nose of cartridges. So
hollow-points or other soft-tip, deforming rounds don't like UZIs.
On Mon, 2002-07-15 at 11:23, John Sowerby wrote:
> >Certainly an assault rifle puts more firepower into the hands of a
> >soldier than a heavier calibre bolt-action... Unless you're only
> >looking at the power of a single round fired from each weapon.
> I often wonder about this. Something that caught my eye a few years
ago is
> that the US Secret Service was discontinuing the use of UZI 9mm SMG's.
> they are small, and can easily put large amounts of lead in the air,
> they also don't have much punch, and in terms of taking down a
> assassin, they often fail to do so.
> John S.
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--Flak Magnet
Hive Fleet Jaegernaught
"...why I'm so sympathetic to the monsters. The answer is simple.