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Re: [Campaign] Criteria

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 16:27:54 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: [Campaign] Criteria

Donald Hosford schrieb:
> Movement of armies/fleets could be made on a simple
> square grid, with major features, ect. (the strategic map)

For ground campaigns, I don't like a square grid, even if it's easy to

More precisely, I don't like the way most games handle movement on a
square grid. Either no diagonal movement is allowed or diagonal
movement is allowed, but costs the same as straight movement. Both
distort significantly the distance/time a unit needs to move

A fairly simple solution is to reckon movement in movement points in
the following fashion: A move across an edge costs two points, a
diagonal one three points. This is a reasonable approximation to the
relative costs of the same movement on a grid-free map ( 2/3 = 1.5
compared to the accurate SQRT(2) = 1.41... ).

Of course, for interstellar space, you can PSB any mode of FTL travel


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