Prev: Re: [OT] The dangers of believing mass media "journalists" when they drool on themselves while pontificating on military affairs of which they are completely ignorant, was Re: The new US Army APC the "Stinger" Next: RE: Re: [SG2] Assaulting from IP

Re: [SG2] Assaulting from IP

From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@a...>
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2002 08:33:22 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG2] Assaulting from IP

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 12:30:56 -0400, ""
<> wrote:

> If they're both morale tests--which makes sense, given the time
> might as werll combine them with a modifier.	IMHO.

Agreed. That was my preferred method. However this requires a house
rule, as
it's not stated specifically in the rule book. 

What would be a fair modifier? Would +1 be good enough?

Let's assume we want the probability of passing a single test to be
about the
same as passing 2 tests. For a Regular 2 unit, the chance of passing
tests is 56.25% (75% chance of passing the charge into close assault
test, 75%
chance of passing the remove IP test). A +1 for the single test (close
while in IP) makes it a 62.5% chance of passing, while a +2 makes it a

For Veteran 2s, the chance of passing both tests is 64%. A +1 modifier
make a single test passable at 70%. A +2 modifier would make the chance
passing 60%. 

For Green 2s, the chance of passing both tests is 44.44%. A +1 modifier
make a single test passable at 50%. A +2 lowers the probability of
passing to

I think +1 is sufficient. 

Allan Goodall

"At long last, the earthy soil of the typical, 
unimaginable mortician was revealed!" 
 - from the Random H.P. Lovecraft Story Generator:

Prev: Re: [OT] The dangers of believing mass media "journalists" when they drool on themselves while pontificating on military affairs of which they are completely ignorant, was Re: The new US Army APC the "Stinger" Next: RE: Re: [SG2] Assaulting from IP