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RE: [sg] platoon stuff and combat engineers

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 01:25:20 -0400
Subject: RE: [sg] platoon stuff and combat engineers

At 3:59 PM -0700 6/26/02, John Atkinson wrote:
>--- Ryan M Gill <> wrote:
>>  Really? None in the hubs for the road wheels? There
>>  must be a bearing
>>  there of some sort for the road wheel to spin
>>  on....Is there a grease
>>  fitting there?
>Yeah, there is.  But like I said, I've never seen it
>screwed up from a good pressure washing.

Depends on how long the water sits in the bearings. Of course they 
could be a really fancy form of bearing given that it's expected that 
crews will use pressure washers at the bird bath to clean off the 
Ryan Gill
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