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RE: [HIST??] Culture shock

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 16:22:14 +1000
Subject: RE: [HIST??] Culture shock


> By the same notion, over estimating your enemy can result in cake 
> walks where you loose more of your troops to friendly fire and 
> accidents than to enemy fire....

Something I'd like to see crop up in games, especially SG etc. Has
tried TomB's (or others) friendly fire ideas? How did they go?

> The important factor is that you either over estimate or get your 
> accounting for enemy capabilities accurate. The expectation of human 
> wave tactics in Korea after the initial attacks as the basis for all 
> later attacks was a pretty valid one. The statement that all Japanese 
> Pilots were nearsighted and couldn't fly combat aircraft worth a damn 
> prior to WWII wasn't a valid notion....

This is the kind of scenario/campaign stuff I'd like to try out. May be
a few games where x is characterised in one way and then follow up with
another scenario where x is very different (a shot out of left field).


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