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RE: [SG] Platoon make up, exoskeleton PA and drones

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 15:17:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: [SG] Platoon make up, exoskeleton PA and drones

--- wrote:
> G'day,
> > What are the riflemen for?
> To protect everyone else?... she says meekly ;)

It's a lost cause, but you can try. 
> I get your idea, but I guess my thoughts on PA are
> much more at the low-tech
> end vs yours. Really just an exoskeleton to give you
> a bit more strength and
> protection not necessarily speed. I was also
> thinking you could create PA
> detachments if necessary (sort of on a platoon scale
> what Napoleonics did
> with companies of grenadiers).

It's not a real good idea to create these sort of ad
hoc groupings at such a low level.  You need to
practice working together on a regular basis and
forming detachments of individuals won't work.

And whether it's lowtech or hightech, concentrating
your powered armor will be a more effective tactic. 
Concentration of force/mass.


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