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Re: Alt universe ship design

From: Paul Owen <paul.owen@g...>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 16:56:00
Subject: Re: Alt universe ship design

I like the look of them : )

Paul Owen
GT Network Solutions Ltd
T:01476 514687
F:01476 514688

To: Internet Mail::[]

Subject: Alt universe ship design
Date: 6/17/02 11:44 

Hi all,
 Dont know how you all feel about attached documents, but I have
a pic of basic spaceframes that I am in the process of working up wanted
to know what ya thought. The sizes on these range from 1.8 inches for
the Exceed class up to 4.2 inches for the Dauntless & Revere classes.
As I am going to make molds of these I had planned on using lead but I
might change over to resin.If you are wondering, the right hand of the
pic is the forward end for all the ships shown.


Kirk Alderfer

Webelos Leader-Pack 23 
Mechanical Designer

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