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From: DAWGFACE47@w...
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 14:42:13 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: RE: Beginner's SG AND SNIPER TEAM.

or give the  sniper team multiple prepared shooting  positions that
can be travelled to without  the  other guys  getting  eyeball contact,
and  emplacing a mix of  command  detonated antipersonnel mines,  and
command  detonated anti armor mines / fired anti armor rocket launchers
to cover the  approaches that armor or vehicles might use to take him

two men,  3-4 prepared firing positions, half dozen AP mines  and
another half dozen anti-armor  mines and remote  rocket launchers  ought
to give most  opponents  fits. . . .

especially if  the sniper uses something really "low tech" but
uttra-modern as his  piece. laser sighted, computer asisted,  UHV,
flechette shooting  AIR RIFLE and  armor piercing flechette to slice
through body armor (not powered armor, body armor) like it  was TP,  any

the  delay in recharging the  main  weapon  would be  easily off set by
its being  very, very, very hard to spot when shooting.   of course the
weapon could  be fitted with angas tank that was good for x number of
shots before being  dropped and another loaded.

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