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From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 20:22:18 -0400
> INDY,  my spouting  was more or less in response to a statement by
> about how we (the  US  voters) elect rotten politicians over and over
> again to office.
> and in respnose to IMRE's cutting remarks about "men" like FMA posing
> threat to the  country. since it was fair game  to point out how
> dangerous members of our serving militay are to the  safety of the
> country, i thought i air to point out a prime pair of  sleazoid
> politicians who pose dangers to the  country.
> soo wot do you say to that?

1) They have a lower noise/signal track record,
2) It was nigh impossible to divine that your msg was in any way a
   response to either of the other two, and 
3) It was just adding more fuel to a fire (or sound to the noise)
   most list members would like to see ended.

> and to put forward examples of how  discussing such  things  s
> to gaming, since GZG deemed it not to be, i  responded to him with a
> list of pertinent  examples.

In the time you have been here, you may have noted that Jon does not
willy-nilly just jump in on any conversation. That he said something
at all should give you pause for thought about either what you post,
or how you are posting things (note item #2 above; often it is more
than difficult to understand you are replying to someone about

> also	have you ANYTHING TO   share  about the using of real life
> idiots, sleazoids, historicl figures, and  actor's charactors from
> movies  as a verbal short hand in making positive gaming IDs for NPC
> developement	and ID? as part of gaming scenarios?

No, my gaming scenarios don't usually revolve around individuals
or role-playing, unless I'm playing a specific RP game.

As for your "MY BUDDY" scenario, that was a valid contribution.
It wasn't necessarily my cup of tea, but it wasn't in the noise
factor, either. You've had some other thought-provoking posts and
ideas in the past, too. I can't remember all of them, though.
I only mentioned the hostage scenario as an example because that
was one I remembered off the top of my head (partly because that
was one of the few list messages I've kept recently ;-).

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