From: "Nick and Laurel Caldwell" <clcaldwell@k...>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 12:58:26 -0400
Subject: Re: AMERICANS
> DAWGIE, getting pissed with all of this.
If you are in that frame of mind, it probably isn't the best time to
send an
email. Email is a difficult enough communications medium when everyone
> how many of you have served in your own country's armed forces
> not many, i suspect.
You are, I'm afraid, very wrong here.
But perhaps more imporantly this is way off topic. How about discussing
Stargrunt stats for an American Marine platoon circa 2026?
Nicholas Caldwell
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 11:23 AM
> Y'ALL KNOW, if the USA had stayed home and minded its own business
> said piss off to the rest of the enlightened countries of the world
> the 20th Century, the ones of you that were not speaking German or
> Japanese, Italian, Chinese, or Russian, would certainly be leading
> diferent lives than the ones you lead today.
> as for the mighty RED AIR FORCE, the LUFTWAFFE was unable to match
> numbers with it on the EASTERN FRONT, hence the Soviets had air
> control for a part of the war.
> and of course our Russian allies, had made a peace treaty with the
> Japanese so they could concentrate of the Axis.
> and they still used huge quantities of American manufactured machines,
> weapons, ammo, clothing and food in their war against the Axis .
> this does not reduce the importance of Russian actions in WW II as an
> ally, but remember, they also co-invaded Poland.
> having talked with many old landsers, upon reflection they admit
> Reich did as much to defeat the Reich as any of the ALLIEs. some
> interesting reading about Germany's war time production and
> decisions that limited it also will provide some clues to problems
> created by the Reich for the Reich.
> i seem to remember that America supplied arms, ammo, equipment,
> vehicles, ships, aircraft, training facilities, food, medicine,
> technology, POW storage and etc for THE ALLIES, all the while
> fighting its own war.
> honestly, i like Germans, Brits, Canucks and Aussies. i liked most
> Europeans and Scandinavians too. i liked most of the folks i met in
> Japan and Korea, even some of the folks i met in the RVN. ditto for
> other folks from around the planet.
> and i do not "wrap myself in an American flag" as some of you like to
> say.
> i can tell the difference between right, wrong, and do not give a shit
> too.
> but, i do not like the patronizing tone,
> DEREK is displaying towards America and Americans, or that a lot of
> y'all are showing.
> maybe we should have sayed home and left y'all folks ancestors to
> sizzle in their own shit instead of bailing you out, rebuilding you,
> protecting you with OUR MONEY and OUR BLOOD . . .
> with your assistance , of course.
> i am starting to get a bit irritated with folks now, including
> Americans who like to say things i perosnally do not agree with.
> but feel free to say them, it is your right as an American, and i
> your privilage to do so as a foreigner.
> but one question here for EVERYONE:
> how many of you have served in your own country's armed forces or any
> police , fire or rescue service? how many of you have actually done
> something for the good of all or the good of the few? how many of
> have actually made physical, financial, personal, and psychological
> sarcifices for the things you treasure most?
> not many, i suspect. most of y'all had lead comfortable lives, free
> from want, hardship, fear, death, famine, and disease . . .
> quite a few, if not most are well educated either by your own efforts
> or the labors of others.
> none live in "poverty", i suspect.
> and there is nothing wrong with this.
> but you should always remember that YOU have the life YOU HAVE NOW
> because some one else carried the can when it needed carrying . . . .
> John irritates me sometimes too. and being a soldier is not a license
> be an asshole (John is not an asshole either).
> another question:
> how many of you have actually killed another human being? or seen your
> friends killed or maimed?
> very damned few.
> i am tired. my head hurts. i am old . i am fat. i am crippled up.
> But you know what? i am proud of me, proud of my service to my
> and yours, proud i was able to serve the public good , and PROUD OF MY
> i may not say things as slick as some of you do, and may not be as
> educate or speciliast educated as some of you, but i can look myself
> the mirror, state my thoughts, and stand by my friends without feeling
> fear of PC or being caugh wearing two faces.
> DAWGIE, getting pissed with all of this.