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Re: [FT] Filling in a Gap...with PSB

From: Alderfek@a...
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 15:16:19 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Filling in a Gap...with PSB

Breakdown of some of my units:

Gunslinger Class 2 Interceptor:
 A combination of a heavy fighter with an interceptor X 2

Tomahawk Class 4 Interceptor:
 Combo of a fast fighter with a heavy fighter x 4

StarStriker Class 6 Interceptor:
 Combo of long ranger fighter with a torp fighter X 6

Duration for a class 2 would be by normal rules. Class 4 duration would
be X 2 and Class 6 would be 3X.


I have used the above designs except for the duration rules.

Kirk Alderfer

Webelos Leader-Pack 23 
Mechanical Designer

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