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RE: [FT] Scaling up for RPG play

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 11:13:53 +1000
Subject: RE: [FT] Scaling up for RPG play

On Wednesday, May 22, 2002 7:40 AM, Tomb []
> Now, our conjectural Full Metal Thrust adapts the FMA engine to run on
> top of FT feasible designs and systems. This seems like something with
> the "right stuff" since it already includes a concept of user skills
> (quality dice) in the equation. 
> Anyone have any insight on any of this? Anyone tried an FMA'd FT or
> tried FT combat for an RPG group for ship fighting? Any real-world
> results to report? :) 

This is from an RPG version of FMA I worked on a few years ago (I
webbed it yet):

FMA & Full Thrust Interaction
Weapons with a strait to-hit number (Pulse-torpedoes / Torpedo fighters)
a difficulty die based on the FT target number.
2+ = d4; 3+ = d6; 4+ = d8; 5+ = d10; 6+ = d12.	
A MINOR hit scores ½ normal damage (d3 damage).
A MAJOR hit scores normal damage for the weapon (d6 damage)

For beam weaponry, similar to-hit numbers are used, but are resolved
The difficulty die are:  Unscreened ship = d8; Level-1 screen = d10;
screen = d12.
A number of difficulty dice equal to the number of beam die at that
are rolled against a single skill roll.
Each MINOR HIT scores 1 point of damage.
Each MAJOR HIT scores 2 points of damage and 1 re-roll against a target
d8 to represent penetrating damage.  If a second MAJOR HIT results, then
there are no further re-rolls (to balance against the easier to-hit
This gives a slightly different damage spread to FT, but the players are
supposed to be heroic, aren't they?

EG: A class-3 battery at point blank range fires at a frigate, the
difficulty rolls (d8) result in 1, 5 & 8.  The player rolls 4 & 7 on
skill.	This gives 3 points of damage + 1 re-roll (MAJOR hit + MINOR hit
+ a
clean miss).   The re-roll scores 3 vs 3 & 4, giving an additional point
damage.  A respectable result which cripples the frigate.

Missile weaponry uses a similar system to determine lock-on.  
Standard MT capship missiles are resolved using Astrogation skill
instead of
Ship's Guns.  
A MINOR success against a difficulty of d8 allows normal operation
orders or just move).  A MAJOR success gives the missile the benefit of
Level-1 screens against the target (if also using RPG stats).  Failure
results in maximum acceleration directly forward.
Salvo Missile Launchers use Astrogation skill as well.	1 difficulty die
d12 is rolled for every missile in the salvo.  A MINOR success indicates
that the missile is on target, while a MAJOR success allows you to
a missile which has missed the target (failed roll).
This can result in 0 missiles on target or all 6 on target, but lets the
player skill determine results.

'Neath Southern Skies -
[sstrike] Raider Fleet of War Leader Kel'em'all

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