Re: Now that I've gotten things fixed. . .
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 18:04:33 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Now that I've gotten things fixed. . .
--- Laserlight <> wrote:
> > Varangians don't take orders from Greeks well. On
> the
> > other hand, almost anyone takes orders from
> > power-armored behemoths with Danish war axes.
> If they're around. I can see "misunderstandings"
> arising--"that's
> *your* position? Sorry, kyrios, thought that's
> where you wanted the
> artillery pattern."
Ah. . . artillery calls for fire in the NRE Army are
transmitted digitally, not by voice unless there are
special circumstances. The power armor lases the
target, the operator selects from a menu of
preprogrammed requests based on the target type, and
it's burst-transmitted to an AI Fire Direction Center,
which processes it, assigns a priority, and sends the
data to an artillery battery which actually fires the
Furthermore, getting froggy with Varangians is a
questionable career move. They do report straight to
the Emperor.
Besides which, most Greeks aren't stupid--they like
having halfbreed Germanic/Slavic semi-barbarians
around to do crazy frontal assaults and rear guard
actions that burn up troops.
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