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Re: [FT] back to fighters

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 10:07:17 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [FT] back to fighters

On 12-May-02 at 09:36, Imre A. Szabo ( wrote:
> > I KNOW I'm going to regret getting involved in this argument
> > (er..."heated discussion") at this stage, but here goes nothing....
> Well of course...
> > space IMMEDIATELY AROUND the target ship actually ISN'T all that big
> > anymore, and is going to get awfully crowded with lots of fighters
> > zipping past each other, especially if they're arriving from
> directions!!
> Oh really???	This depends on how big an MU is and how much time one
> is.

That post you replied to so snippily, you might want to compare the
author of the post to the name on the cover of your copy of FB1.
Then think about who has the final say about PSB and the official
rules.	Unofficialy of course you can say fighters move 72" and
and hit kills a ship.

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