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Re: [OT] Explosives question

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 20:40:29 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] Explosives question

--- Allan Goodall <> wrote:
> On Tue, 7 May 2002 17:37:57 -0700 (PDT), John
> Atkinson
> <> wrote:
> >Plus we're drunk way before it's reasonable,
> usually
> >talking loudly (in obvious Yank accents), and
> >frequently spending too much money on way
> overpriced
> >junk.  "If it's shiny, we like it.  UFOs, Beer
> Cans,
> >Fishing Lures. . ."	Jeff Foxworthy was talking
> about
> >rednecks but there's a good amount of overlap.
> Okay, I know this is off topic, but I just had to
> say that I laughed out loud
> at this. Living in the South, I've noticed this...
> *L* (The shiny thing part).

"There is a reason bass boats have glitter finishes. 
You will never see a yacht with a glitter finish."


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