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Re: [OT] Explosives question

From: Derek Fulton <derekfulton@b...>
Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 01:28:16 +1000
Subject: Re: [OT] Explosives question

At 10:09  8/05/02 -0400, you wrote:
>On  8-May-02 at 10:03, Brian Bilderback (
> > Beth Fulton wrote:
> >
> > >Was watching some US Marines (either that or they were sailors in
> > >which I doubted would be right)
> >
> > Could have been Marines - many US capital ships, all carriers AFAIK,
have a
> >  MarDet (Marine Detatchment).  But there ARE sailors whoe wear Camo
> > more  "Army-looking" uniforms, notably EOD, SEALs, and SeaBees.
>Did they put Marines back as security?  Shortly after I got out in
>'89 they pulled all Marines off of shipboard and Naval base security.
>Roger Books

This time yes, local news footage showed marines walking around the
deck, one armed with a M-14 rifle. There's was also a Seahawk Helicopter

flying around the carrier as it sailed up the river, this activity was a

typical when compared to previous visits. As Beth said even though you 
can't turn around without bumping into a sailor (or marine) loaded down 
with booty from the local shops, this time there is a definite lack of 
enjoyment. Even the dedicated protest movement has been rather muted as



Derek Fulton
12 Balaka st.
Rosny, Hobart.
Tasmania,  7018.

Phone; (03) 62459123
Mobile; 0438459123

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