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RE: Re: Fighters

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 5 May 2002 15:31:15 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: Re: Fighters

--- Brian Burger <> wrote:
> I'm afraid I'm pretty much in the "Fighters as
> written Are Too Powerful"
> camp.
> For starters, they cost (SWAG here) about half what
> they're worth, for the
> stock rules. Maybe not half, but they're way
> underpriced right now.

Depends on how many you show up with.

I dropped the fighter squadrons from my SDNs because
they are pretty pointless in the 1-2 squadron strength
shown.	Now, if you show up with 20-30 squadrons, then
it'll be overwhelming.


You'll take some serious casualties, in the order of
50-60% if your opponent has even a reasonable number

In a campaign (ie, in the "Real World") you'll have to
spend thousands of points on replacement fighters and
transports to move them to their front-line carriers
in order to refit that carrier battle group for any
purpose whatsoever.  Now, against a more balanced
opponent, I'll wear you down, use my cruiser squadrons
to take out logistics nodes and keep my
superdreadnoughts as a force in being in order to
force you to keep all your swarms of fighters
together--while I clean up the secondary targets with
my destroyer groups.  Plus I'm using my stealth
destroyers to go after your carriers before they get a
chance to deploy fighters.

The perception of fighter strength is based off of
one-off combats between ships where both sides fight
to the death with all their ships.  No context, no
morale, no nothing.


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