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FT-fighters (and me)

From: "Bif Smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Sat, 4 May 2002 10:20:59 +0100
Subject: FT-fighters (and me)

Reading about fighters, and the mixed tech designs some people use, I
suprised nobody has raised the use of pulsars. These I find very useful
they can be used in anti-ship mode and PDS mode. If some pulsars are
in with PDS and ADFC, it becomes a very effective anti-fighter platform
well as a anti-ship platfrom as well. My group has prity much decided
fighters are ok as is, especially when using mixed tech*.


*I love using a acid and archer SD combo, the acid having 2 SMRs, 8 PDS,
ADFC and 12 c mode pulsars, the archer having 6 PDS, ADFC and pure SMLs.
This combo allows me to kill at long range and short range (at short
you are met with 72 die of beam dammage <VBG>). The acid also has the
equivalent of 18 PDS for killing fighters. Of course, I`m toast when my
runs out. If using AFHAWKS, the archer becomes a prety good fighter

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