From: DAWGFACE47@w...
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 15:25:33 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: CHUDS
WELL, what i use are a mix of figures from different makers and time
plastic GW zombies with repair work (no bone showing or innards hanging
out) work well for the more denerate specimens, as doo ghous with
tatered clothing added using milliput, or greenstuff, or similiar or
even white glue stiffened tissue paper.
look about for other brands of zombies and ghouls from fantasy lines,
the NECROMUNDA gang wars game had some nice "plague zombies" figures
shuffling about in metal. and some really depraved looking mutant
CONFRONTATION, the first version of NECRO, included some very nice
scavvies in its figure line too.
SHADOWRUN figures also had some nice zombies in modern and near future
the undead and diseased legionaires from WZ make good CHUDs with guns
in metal and plastic for the BLOOD BERETS, BROTHERHOOD, and SEIGE OF THE
CITADEL boxed games, as well as some really nasty looking metal
humanoid aliens without weapons.
a lot of the ROAD WARRIOR and SCAVENGER figures, especially the ragged
ones look nice as CHUDS too
; EM-4, NEMO, both make these from the OOP GRENADIER FUTURE WARS line.
COPPLESTONE makes some excellent 28mm zombies with guns.
FORTRESS FIGURES, LASER AND LANCE, both make some weird looking
sci-fi and fantasy stuff that might be useful, too.
look around for old OOP VAMPIRE and WEREWOLF 25mm figures by RAL
PARTHA-some surprising useful bits and pieces lurk here.
WHITE WOF made a sci-fantasy a few years agon, that had both normal
looking ssolks and mutants -some pretty weird- with and without
weapons in 28mm.
FASA VOR NEO-SOV line featured some really useful mutants ,
rad-troopers, and even some aliens under various names.
. now OOP but you can sill find these out there.
25mm figures made by SOLDIERS AND SWORDS-again OOP, but still
findable, made a nuber of useful figures under the ''RIFTS" heading.
SIM-TAC has some nexus marines that could become CHUDs with a little
work in 25mm-28mm-from the KRYOMEK line.
they also make some other weird things , as well as ACROPOLIS 25mm
sci-fi and dark future figures (i have not seen these-has anyone) that
should have some usfeful stuff, too.
maybe even the ever useful EUREKA of OZ has something useful.
28mm too.
REVIRESCO may also have somethin useful too you.
DENIZEN, available from DENIZEN, AINSTRY, or STONE MOUNTAIN are wortha
look see.
and a new german company that makes 28mm sci-fi miniatures for their
own game system-cannot remember the name now.
and last but not least- a very funn filled boardgame called ZOMBIES,
check the miniatures page for maker, has 1/72 scale plastic zombies
for use in there game.
if you email them and ask for more "zombies" for your game, they just
might sell you some cheap. most game makers will sell extra parts on
the side.
sorry i could not come up with more but i am busy right now and a bit
distracted, so i hope this helps!