Re: Chupacabra ? was: [GZG AARs]
From: "Robert Minadeo" <raminad@e...>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 16:15:23 -0400
Subject: Re: Chupacabra ? was: [GZG AARs]
> How big is he? I remember the GRW minis as being somewhat...hefty.
Goatsuckers are
> supposed to be relatively small, about the size of a large dog, but
Skin Walker might make
> an excellent Human/Chupacabra crossbreed of some sort. Oh, those
Aliens and their
> equally wacky probes....
Ah this is unfortunate.
Dug out my Skin Walker (there's something you don't see every day
Chauncy...) and while not as large as most of the GRW figures he is 28mm
sole to eye. About the same size as the Icon Dr. Who figures but more
slightly built.
> > The figure's back is spiky but not quite so spiny as the Chupacabra
> > although I suppose the dedicated Chupacabra enthusiast
> > could add his own with little problem.
Correction. The figure's back is NOT spiky but has a very pronounced
that would be easy enough to add spines to.
BTW A friend pointed out that X-files featured a Chupacabra episode but
can't recall it.
Did enjoy the Jackie Chan show version with my daughter not long ago.
> I think that, from this day forward, I'll be putting "Chupacabraista"
my resume. That's too good
> a word not to use.
My work here is done ;)