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Wombles, was: Re: 40k conversion?

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:30:08 +0100
Subject: Wombles, was: Re: 40k conversion?

>On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:13:01 +1000, Derek Fulton
>wrote :
>> >
>> >Oh, they've never been the same since they lost the pointy noses...
>> "The Wombles are wimble and wombling free"'s all in the nose
>I was reasonably appalled to discover that the villains of one of my
>fantasy series, the "Borrible" books, were based on these Wombles, who
>made it over here to the US.  The "Rumbles" were discribed as these
>rat-like humanoids, and the protagonists killed them with gleeful
abandon.  I
>had no idea that they were slaughtering beasts who were essentially
>Hmmm...anyone for Full Metal Muppets at next years' GZGECC?

Up in Sheffield for Triples earlier in the year, we came across a
toy shop which had stocks of little "Muppet Racers" - cartoony car
with Muppet drivers (they had 7 out of an apparent range of 8, only Miss
Piggy missing). We immediately thought "there's a show game in
but then reality took hold and I didn't buy them - maybe I should

Back on the 40K topic, of course it was this connection with the early
Space Marine helmet shape that originally caused 40K to be known as
"Womblehammer" (and the marines as "Space Wombles"),  names that have
forever stuck in the UK; I know of several people who painted their
up with silver-grey armour and yellow-brown helmet "snouts".....

Jon (GZG)

>John Crimmins

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