RE: Steel Warriors
From: "Tony Francis" <tony.francis@k...>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 08:49:23 +0100
Subject: RE: Steel Warriors
I took the book home last night with the best intentions of scanning ,
OCRing etc, but ran out of time (my wife has a list of DIY jobs that she
wants me to do which is the size of a small dictionary, so I figured it
would be politically correct to tackle one or two of those instead, for
the sake of marital harmony ...). Hopefully I might be able to have a
crack at it tonight. Now all I need to do is dig the scanner out from
under the pile of books and CDs that have hidden it ...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 30 April 2002 00:05
> To:
> Subject: RE: Steel Warriors
> G'day,
> > Anyway, I'm trying to dream up an easy way of making the six
> > A4 pages easily accessible via the web, other than just
> > scanning them in and posting the resultant (huge) jpegs.
> Well even if you don't I'd love if you could find a way to
> send them to me
> ;)
> (No worries if you can't though)
> Cheers
> Beth